JUMP TOFluidcoins Pay api documentationaddressList addressesgetCreate a new addresspostFetch an addressgetList transactions for a given addressgetList all crypto depositsgetFetch a single transaction that occurred on a given addressgetvalidate crypto addressgetbalancesFetch all balances of a merchantgetFetch a specific balance of a merchantgetcurrenciesList currenciesgetfetch fiat exchange ratesgetcheckoutList customersgetCreate a new customerpostFetch a customergetEdit a customerpatchWhitelists a customerdeleteBlacklists a customerpostList transactions that belong to a specific customergetList transactionsgetFetch a single transactiongetearnfetch wallet detailsgetcreate earn vaultpostwithdraw from savings walletdeletefund savings walletpostfetch interest ratesgetfetch transactionsgetwebhooksView webhook logspostlinksList payment linksgetCreate a new payment linkpostFetch a payment linkgetEdit payment linkpatchDisable a payment link for collectiondeleteEnable a payment link for collectionpostList transactions that belong to a payment linkgetmerchantFetch the current merchantgetpayoutsList payoutsgetRequest for a payoutpostFetch the details of a payoutgetList payouts accountsgetCreate a new payout accountpostList banksgetResolve bank accountsgetsettingsFetch preferencesgetUpdate preferencespatchstoreFetch a merchant storegetCreate a new store for a merchantpostList coupon codesgetCreate a new couponpostextend the expiration date of a couponpostdisable a coupon codedeleteenable a coupon codepostdisable a store frontdeleteenable a store frontpostFetch storefront preferencesgetupdate storefront preferencespostList productsgetCreate a new productpostfetch a productgetfetch product ordersgetupdate the status of an orderpostEdit a previously saved productpatchunarchive a productdeletearchive a productpostfetch product inventorypostedit a product variantpostcreate a new product optionpostdelete a product optiondeleteedit a product optionpostList shipping locationsgetCreate a new shipping locationpostdelete shipping locationsdeleteedit a shipping locationpatchstorePublicFetch a merchant storegetFetch a coupon codegetcreate storefront orderpostFetch a merchant store's productgetFetch a merchant store's productgetswapsswap historygetSwap currenciespostPowered by Enable a payment link for collectionpost https://api.fluidcoins.com/v1/links/{reference}/enable